Statement from the Community Safety and Solidarity Coalition (CSSC) on President Trump's Pardoning of Jan 6 Insurrectionists; January 24, 2025
Statement from the Community Safety and Solidarity Coalition (CSSC) on the Allen, TX Shooting; May 17, 2023
Community Safety and Solidarity Coalition Expresses Solidarity and Calls for Nationwide Effort to Prevent LGBTQ+ Violence; November 11, 2022
ADL and National Urban League Launch Community Solidarity & Safety Coalition in Advance of the “United We Stand” Summit at the White House; September 14, 2022
The CSSC shall have five primary functions:
Make recommendations concerning policies and programs on matters of common interest to the members and their organizations and respective constituencies.
Ensure that every non-residential location in American life that desires a plan to address hate-fueled violence has the information and resources to develop one
Assist the leadership of nonprofit and private sector organizations with understanding, obtaining and implementing specific measures to ensure the safety of their institutions and community members, both offline and online.
Sharing relevant information related to federal and state grants such as the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP)
Create mechanisms to assist individuals or institutions from communities that experience hate crimes or bias incidents
Enhance cross-disciplinary approaches to threat assessment to prevent extremism from taking root
Develop coordinated positions and practices to enhance coordination between public, non-profit, private, and academic sector partners and others with a stake in addressing hate-fueled violence
Organize information and report on bias incidents to ensure authorities effectively appreciate the safety and resiliency needs of community-based organizations.
ADL and the NUL will serve as founding co-chairs, alongside other founding members of the CSSC. The CSSC would be managed by an Executive Committee comprised of a small subset of members. Values Partnerships will serve as secretariat for the organization.
Founding members include:
African Methodist Episcopal Church Social Action Commission
Interfaith America
Jewish Federations of North America
Matthew Shepard Foundation
National Action Network
National African American Clergy Network
National Association of Evangelicals
National Baptist Convention of America
National Pan-Hellenic Council
National Coalition on Black Civic Participation
National Council of Black Churches
National Council of Churches
National Latino Evangelical Coalition
Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers
Progressive National Baptist Convention
Rabbinical Assembly
The Asian American Foundation
United Negro College Fund
Union for Reform Judaism
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism